This article was almost called “How To Create Micro Content To Engage and Inspire”, but given the state of the world and the thesis of the story, pairing the words “Viral” and “Pandemic” seemed much more fitting, after all, we are talking about those videos that inspire quick hits and an almost fevered rate of absorption by global audiences.

The video playing field has not just evolved over the years, it has mutated into an unfathomably large and powerful beast. If it were a movie it would stand by Gojira and Monster-Zero on some Mexican volcano, but thankfully we are yet to realize this end. Around the turn of the (21st) century who could have predicted that video would become such an integral part of daily life, so indispensable, literally as powerful as life or death in some cases. As attention span shortens so does this correlate with general intelligence quotients. There have been stories about how people have died after not being able to find a YouTube video for how to put out a fire, for example, or how to perform CPR. Video has evolved from a form of entertainment to something much greater, and that trend shows no signs of slowing down. Where once the silver screen provided a benchmark to greatness, viral videos now hold that position. Who can forget “Charlie Bit My Finger”, cute at first, hypnotic in repetition and eventually annoying, however, thought to have generated over $500,000 and 825 million hits in five years. With the shrinking of the common employment market and outsourcing of primary and secondary industries, producing a viral video, for many, is the new Gold Rush. So how does one go about making a viral video, without getting his or her fingers bitten off in the process?

Lets take a look at 10 strategies to help your next clip go colossal.

  1. Planning, planning, planning

    Knowing what curves are ion the road ahead is key to preparing a successful viral video campaign. Although it is impossible to know every detail in advance, it is tantamount to failure to consider this phase as any less important that. the video itself. Build a marketing plan just as you would for a product launch or service application. The more legwork you put into he planning phase, the more rewards you will reap when the cogs start turning and unpredictable metrics become quantifiable data.

  2. Understand the market

    There are few examples of derivative works “going viral” in a real sense, that is to say copy cats are not so strongly rewarded in the social media spheres of entertainment and information, although there will always be those videos that create a trend, such as the car driving on its own, idiot dancing in the road trend, or super-annoying ice-bucket challenge, but it is prudent to understand the types of video that go viral, audience desire and those demographics that govern them. If you’re trying to get a video about tying a fly to go viral you’re not likely to market to millennials, more likely middle-aged males in certain parts of the world with certain interests, but then your planning and research phase will tell you the answers to these questions. Understanding your market is a huge step towards putting your viral video into the collective conscious.

  3. Days Matter

    Theres a reason musicians release albums on a Friday. Viral videos are typically powered by office workers, those 9-5ers who have frequent periods of boredom and require easy, bite-sized and disposable distraction. Viral videos do best on a Monday or Tuesday, giving your video the rest of the week to make early numbers.

  4. Who Could Benefit?

    Lets say your video is of a parkour enthusiast across your local city. You’ll want to investigate what brands, ideologies, or in this day and age, hashtags could be relative to the project. If they are wearing Nike’s on their feet then that’s one party, running shorts branded by X, Y or Z, theres another, headwear by A or B and so on. You can even tag the town or city, local landmarks. The list is as long as you can make it.

  5. Quality Content

    Just because its an internet video doesn’t mean the quality should suffer. Where possible use stabilization equipment (tripods, gimbals, glide cam) and ensure the sound is up to par, bad video can be saved by good sound but not vice-versa.

  6. Storytelling

    Just because your video is short and produced for a disposable marketplace doesn’t mean it should be light on storytelling, quite the opposite. The depth of your story should be plumbed early on, giving viewers more reasons to invest their time and precious clicks.

  7. Size Matters

    Attention spans are shorter than ev… Be sure your video falls within a ‘sweet-spot’ of your audiences attention span, analysts have found that the shorter the better, which is why many ads on YouTube now run for 6 seconds. Keeping your video under a minute will do wonders for audience retention and viewing.

  8. Viralize your title

    Here’s a litmus test “Hey did you see that video….” Fill in the blanks and theres your title. For the purposes of this article:

    1. GOOD: 10 Ways to Viralize Your Video

    2. BETTER: When Viral Videos Go Pandemic and 10 Benchmarks for Success

    3. BEST: 10 Ways Your Viral Video Will Go Pandemic

  9. The tree that doesn’t bend breaks

    Knowing where to compromise with your video will go a long way to getting it to the right audience. Your own beliefs and ethics should take a back seat to the needs of the video and its mission to engage the right markets.

  10. The Aftermath

    Analyze the results of your campaign, hone down the benefits and disadvantages, get stronger, smarter, better, faster; learn where you made mistakes (and you will make mistakes) and try not to repeat them in the future. Continual yogic meditation on these concepts will turn you into a viral video machine, and in the current marketplace, that kind of skill set can be taken to the bank.

CereProds is a film production services company based in Puerto Rico, we specialize in productions of any size from studio lead product photography to multi camera location shooting with full crew and equipment.

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